Radio Frequency Treatments

Radio Frequency Treatments

Radio Frequency Treatments

Radio frequency skin tightening treatment uses targeted energy to heat the deep dermal layer of skin, which stimulates collagen and elastin production and gradually improves skin tone and texture.

Radio frequency therapy is safe and effective at treating mild or moderate signs of aging for all skin types.

Radio Frequency can safely and effectively be used to melt fat or tighten loose skin on the stomach area without any pain or downtime. To get the most out of your RF treatment, a course of treatments is usually recommended.

Treatment Area One Treatment Four treatments
Full Face £130 £440
Neck Area OR Double Chin £120 £400
Upper Arms £140 £480
Tummy Skin Tightening (Weight Loss) £160 £510
Back £160 £510
Buttocks £160 £510
Thighs £160 £510
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